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Vítejte na blogu radioamatérské stanice OK1TAM

středa 22. ledna 2014

Diplom - 75th Anniversary of the Kirovograd Region

Sponsored by the Kirovograd Amateur Radio Club to celebrate the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Kirovograd Region.

a) Make at least 3 QSOs with special event station EM75V 
b) Make 5 QSOs with amateur radio stations located in the Kirovograd Region of the Ukraine, (Look for stations os the UR#V - UZ#V series) PLUS one QSO with EM75V.

Contacts must be made during the period of 1-31 January 2014.

The electronic certificate is FREE of charge, and will be delivered to your e-mail address in the form of an image file which you may print.

Apply to award manager UR5VIB: em75v@mail.ru.

Zdroj: www.qrz.com/db/EM75V